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Graduate School N2P
Training for excellence in nuclear physics
A training programme bringing together the best Masters students in the field of Atomic, Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics.
The Graduate School for Nuclear Physics (N2P) is a project of Excellence funded by the Normandy Region.
At the University of Caen Normandie, the Graduate School is attached to the path Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions of the master degree in Physics.
The objective of the School is to support students in carrying out their personal scientific and professional project in the different specializations of the field (theoretical physics, experimental physics, or industrial applications). Each student is followed by a dedicated tutor and pursues a personal research project in parallel with graduate courses throughout the year inside the partner laboratories :
The Graduate School N2P is partner of of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Nuclear PhysicsNucPhys.
GS-N2P students will benefit of the extra-curriculum courses of the Internationl Master and of its large network for international mobilities both before and after the Master. More tan 85% of our graduates got a PhD contract before finishing their Master!
On the basis of Excellence criteria, GS-N2P students will be eligible for an Excellence scholarship.
PhD Offers
You will find below a list of PhD offers related to the GS France United Kingdom Norway Germany
Nucphys : graduation ceremony december 19th 2023 at 09:00
Broadcasted online :
Eiffel scolarships
Eiffel scholarships from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Ministry of Education enable top foreign students to pursue their studies in France, particularly in our Master’s program.…
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Nuclear Physics: application opened
Application for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Nuclear Physics (NucPhys) is now opened